Back on Snap!

Yo, what up fam? Guess what?! Snapchat is officially unbanned. Totally true! You can finally ditch the fomo and get back to snapping those pics with your squad. Finally, you can show off those epic filters you've been working on. Let's reminisce about all the snaps we missed! Get your phone out. Time to make some memories and get creative with fil

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Kotak Dana for Dummies

Mengorganisir kegiatan pembersihan lingkungan, penanaman pohon, atau kampanye daur ulang untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya menjaga lingkungan. Apapun topik yang ingin kamu pilih, sebaiknya pilih topik atau isu yang kebetulan sedang hangat terjadi di lingkunganmu. Setelah bekerja di hotel, Brando mendapat gaji sekitar Rp10.000.000. Sete

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